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  • GPGC
  • New to GPGC


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Let’s face it—you’ve never met a Pastor who didn’t have a desire to grow. In addition, you’ve never seen a healthy church that did not want to grow. The real challenge is HOW? Growing Pastors, Growing Churches (GPGC) is a fellowship of pastors and churches, working together to provide support, guidance and resources to empower pastors to continue growing and enable them to launch and build growing churches. 

Growing People - Growing Churches

While we recognize and celebrate the unique aspects of every church, GPGC is committed to supporting your success in three foundational ways:

1. We Help You Start Strong

Whether you are planting a church or assuming a leadership role in an existing church, we show you how to begin wisely and build the foundation for long term success. With expertise in building launch teams, raising monies, constructing worship teams, developing age appropriate ministries, transforming traditional ministries or just gaining momentum—we can help you to move forward in excellence. Start strong, stay strong, and grow strong. 

2. We Help You Reach the "Not Yet Churched"

With more than 110 million Americans never or rarely attending church, it’s critical that we cross cultural, economic, racial and political walls to reach out to persons who are “not yet churched.” GPGC is focused on helping pastors and churches stay culturally relevant, build authentic relationships and grow leaders while maintaining your commitment to scriptural integrity. 

3. We Build Intentional Relationships

Solid relationships are the foundation for growth in any aspect of life. As a part of GPGC, we will both encourage and facilitate relationships between you and other pastors and churches around the world. We invite you to join this ever-expanding group of people who are committed to one another’s success.

Pastors and Church Leaders

GPGC has ready resources for new church plants and already established churches. Here's what you can expect:
• Senior Pastor Coaching Network
• Practical Seminars
• Annual Conference
• Relevant Resources
• Collaborative Missions

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